Travesia Liberal
Travesia Liberal
By:Enrique Krauze
Published on 2003-01-01 by Tusquets Editor
|Solo un historiador como Enrique Krauze podia vertebrar episodios tan alejados en el tiempo y en la geografia como el movimiento neozapatista y el Holocausto, la Revolucion de Terciopelo y el humanismo indigenista o el conflicto arabe-israeli . . . El rigor y la brillantez analitica que caracterizan las obras de Krauze confluyen en este volumen, en el que poco a poco se perfila no solo la travesia de la humanidad a lo large do los siglos, sino tambien la andadura intelectual del autor.|--cover.
This Book was ranked at 25 by Google Books for keyword All Souls.
Book ID of Travesia Liberal's Books is 0a2fAAAAMAAJ, Book which was written byEnrique Krauzehave ETAG "9FVR+bS/n0A"
Book which was published by Tusquets Editor since 2003-01-01 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is and ISBN 10 Code is
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Book which have "448 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryHistory
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Book was written in es
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